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Cessna 152 II Sky Academy OK-VLK Pribram_Dlouha_Lhota May_30_2010
Cessna 152 II Sky Academy OK-VLK Pribram_Dlouha_Lhota May_30_2010


B737-8AS Ryanair EI-DHK Pula June_25_2007
B737-8AS Ryanair EI-DHK Pula June_25_2007


B737-8AS Ryanair EI-DHK Pula June_25_2007
Description: Ryanair B737-800 on short waiting of only 10 mins after de-boarding to be boarded again. Behind, Putin's plane that brought his personal cars from Russia, for his meeting in Zagreb.
Keywords: Boeing, 737, B737, B737-8AS, B737-800, B737/8AS, B737/800, 737-8AS, 737-800, Ryanair, EI-DHK, Pula, June_25_2007, puy, ldpl
Date: 20.08.2007 21:21
Hits: 28937
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 96.8 KB
Added by: Semiliner

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B737-8AS Ryanair EI-DHO Dublin_Collinstown April_5_2009